21 Mar CoronaVirus Update for VapeOn Customers
Difficult Times, but VapeOn is Still Operating!!
Hey Guys,
With the advent of the Coronavirus our worlds have been turned upside down, shops, pubs and restaurants have closed across the country as the fear of the coronavirus envelops the country! Here at Tipperary’s Vaping HQ we have made some tough decision s over the past week to ensure the safety of our valued customers and also that of our loyal staff. We have stopped all direct contact sales in an effort to slow the spread of the virus in our community and we salute our fellow retailers who have taken similar measures in Tipperary & Thurles. This decision was made in the interests of the community as a whole.
“we have set up a WhatsApp number 087-2295328 for all your ordering needs”
However despite the gloomy virus cloud hanging over us we are confident that things will return to normal and we are still providing our customers with the liquids they love, just in different ways. Orders can be made online for collection and delivery and we have set up a WhatsApp number 087-2295328 for all your ordering needs. We also accept emails to hello@vapeon.ie and also messages are always welcome via our Facebook page where we will be keeping you all updated with daily posts and Covid Competitions.
We Value Our Customers & Will Continue to Provide The Best Service Possible through this Crisis
We ask all our customers to play thier part and follow the national health guidlines during this crisis;
- Social Distancing – Keeping 2mtrs apart
- Hand Hygiene – Washing hands for 20secs regularly through the day
- Cough/Sneeze Etiquette – Cough or Sneeze into you elbow
All these measures will ensure this crisis is over sooner rather than later. If there is anything you need or anything way we can support you through this crisis, don’t hesitate to get in touch.
WHATSAPP – 087-2295328
PHONE – 062-83188
EMAIL – hello@vapeon.ie
Yours in Vaping,
VAPE ON Customer Care Team